May your efforts to scare Americans during this important debate fail.
She complained that the hearings were scaring Muslim Americans and called them "an outrage."
I don't believe that the president deliberately lied to the public in an attempt to scare Americans into supporting his war.
One minute they're scaring Americans into supporting their power grabs by essentially yelling, "They're coming to kill us!"
On some days, he tries to scare Americans with rhetoric about long lines at the gas pumps because of imperiled oil supplies.
White House aides argue that the president cannot talk about casualties without scaring Americans.
They have already scared Americans with statistics like, nine million Americans were victims of identity theft.
The end of the cold war makes it more difficult to scare Americans into believing in the importance of a muscular "stand-up" character.
Other Japanese officials expressed irritation or amusement that Mr. Clinton seemed to be invoking Japan to scare Americans.
This summer, while the administration has been scaring jittery Americans about Saddam's chemical, biological and nuclear wantonness, the president has given few interviews.