The theologians who followed Luther and Melanchthon down to the middle of the seventeenth century treat Christ's saving work under the two heads of king and priest.
Humanity can also participate in God's saving work through theosis; becoming holy by grace.
Further, Kunnumpuram holds that God's saving work is based on love.
The Fathers often worked upon biblical quotations, from both Testaments, describing Christ's saving work, sometimes adding one to another from different places in Scripture.
The author takes for granted Jesus' saving work, but is especially interested in Christians' moral life.
He called the Letter of James "an epistle of straw," finding little in it that pointed to Christ and His saving work.
But as he matured in his ministry he gave more emphasis on the saving work of Jesus on the cross.
Paul describes the Christians in Colossae as having been rescued from the power of darkness and 'brought'(past tense) into the Kingdom of his dear Son by virtue of the saving work of Christ (Col. 1:13).
Lutherans hold that Baptism is a saving work of God, mandated and instituted by Jesus Christ.
By faith, which is also the gift of God, we repent of our sins and freely adhere to the gospel, the good news of God's saving work for us in Christ.