The medical assistant had a good basis to start from.
Looking ahead, she is also taking classes to be a medical assistant.
Now 24 years old, she is studying to be a medical assistant.
While working there, he is studying to become a medical assistant.
It said that a doctor and six medical assistants were standing by.
Despite those efforts, at least one medical assistant was killed by armed men there.
She works as a medical assistant, has a 16-year-old son and receives Section 8 money.
In college she studied nursing, and has worked as a medical assistant for several years.
The women, like his wife, work as medical or dental assistants.
He studied to become a medical assistant, graduating in 1918.
The medical orderlies from the elevator went with her.
By mid morning, medical orderlies could no longer cope with all of the wounded.
I will provide one of my best medical orderlies, a black male nurse, to travel with her.
There were only two medical orderlies for our company, and there wasn't much they could do.
Now, we will need fifty medical orderlies and two hundred stretcher-bearers.
The wounded had to beg for food from villagers; even medical orderlies robbed them.
He helped medical orderlies, most of whom had little training.
A doctor came along with a couple of medical orderlies who wrote out cards for each patient to the doctor's dictation.
Later, I watched the medical orderlies pick up the captain's stretcher and carry it down to the nose.
It was only after the Drusus had come to a hovering position that a team of medical orderlies brought him to the ship's hospital bay.