They overlie firm alluvial soils which contain two sand layers at 92 and 110 feet (29 and 35 meters), respectively.
The distinctive sand layers can range from black to yellowish-brown and are commonly 2 to 4 feet (0.6 to 1.2 m) deep.
This property may be preserved to varying degrees even when associated silt and sand layers have become lithified to form siltstone and sandstone.
One sand layer, thought to be deposited by the 1929 tsunami, at Taylor's Bay was found 13 cm below the turf line.
The sloping, undersea terrain holds the sort of thick sand layers that often contain oil.
Pupation is seldom in the alga substrate that soon collapses, but more frequently in the highest sand layers.
The Chercq Member, tuffite, clay and glauconite bearing sand layers.
The tank, sand layer, and concrete of the reactor pit serve as additional biological shields.
Following the final recession of the lake, the exposed sand layers were soaked by rainfall.
The current flow carried only enough sand to fill the scour and blanket the floodplain with a thin sand layer.