Transects are arbitrarily determined lines (to prevent sampling bias) through a stand employed as a linear form of sample plot.
Misuse can occur when conclusions are overgeneralized and claimed to be representative of more than they really are, often by either deliberately or unconsciously overlooking sampling bias.
Most known exoplanets are giant planets believed to resemble Jupiter or Neptune, but this reflects a sampling bias, as massive planets are more easily observed.
Specifically, it is a sampling bias: the kind of subjects that voluntarily enroll in a clinical trial and actually follow the experimental regimen are not representative of the general population.
However, in the presence of study heterogeneity where studies have different sampling bias, the distribution is instead a mixture distribution and will be overdistributed relative to the predicted distribution.
The sampling bias of Kashtan et al. provided great impetus for designing better algorithms for the NM discovery problem.
Experimenters are advised not to remove cases that do not exactly fit their criteria, as this may introduce sampling bias and threaten validity.
Net Market Share attempts to correct for this sampling bias by scaling its numbers according to the size of the Internet-using population in each country.
The latter is a position-specific sampling bias, for example the terminal base position has only a chance of being covered, as opposed to for interior positions.
The presence of study heterogeneity (studies have different sampling bias) increases the dispersion relative to the margin of error.