Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Owners of Pet Skunks recommends "over the counter worm medication given every couple of months and a yearly stool sample check at the vet".
Raanan Cohen, head of the Labor faction in Parliament, said a sample check by his party of 57 polling stations showed 432 invalid ballots.
THE SAMPLE CHECKS out," the software billionaire said over the telephone.
The commission said it had performed a sample check of documents against the equipment in the Byron plants, but that some of the equipment was inaccessible because of radioactivity or other construction.
Another implication of this advice is that teachers need not begin keeping cupboards full of evidence from every pupil over three year periods in case they are selected for a random sample check on teacher assessments.
This product is regulated by Directive 93/42/EEC, which stipulates that manufacturers must certify that they have complied with requirements and which empowers the national authorities to verify that this self-certification is valid, through monitoring and sample checks.
The Scientific Veterinary Committee, having examined the question of disease monitoring by means of sample checks, concluded that such a procedure would be unlikely to contribute significantly to detection of the small amounts of the BSE virus which might exist in the Member States.