If the new investment is only made after the sale proceeds are realised, the total delay could be up to three weeks.
As the sale proceeds, it will be interesting to see where he winds up.
The sale proceeds are used to run the club.
The sale proceeds will be used to reduce Avon's debt, the company said.
You would pay a set commission for the service - typically about 6 percent of the sale proceeds.
The sale proceeds would be used to create a trust fund to aid poor countries.
This established a precedent extended to other states, which received two, three or five percent of sale proceeds.
With the sale proceeds, the couple plan to buy a town house elsewhere in Brooklyn for $700,000 to $900,000.
A percentage of the sale proceeds will benefit her charitable foundation.
A seller will receive the accrued interest on top of the sale proceeds.
Make those total sale proceeds $100 plus 25 cents.
If a majority voted to liquidate, the sale would proceed.
The company said it did not expect to distribute any sale proceeds to shareholders.
Margo was beginning to doubt that point as the sale proceeded.
If Congress does nothing, the sale will proceed.
However, the sale did not proceed and nearly all tenants returned.
Before a sale could proceed, a state judge's approval would be required.
Christie's said that the sale would proceed as planned.
However the sale proceeded and was completed by 11 January 2010.
A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that the sale could proceed.