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But no matter how it's cut, the result is the same old salami.
You need to get some of that old salami once in a while, kid.
Salamis died at the age of 108 on October 15, 2005.
Guys who wanted to trade you a ball for a half a salami or something.
Many salamis are named after the city or region where they come from.
But what if I want to make a salami pizza?
He had once hidden a hard salami there for a week.
Now there are many types of salamis made in some countries.
It is a kind of salami, which can be quite spicy.
Send the rest back down and we'll go ahead with the battle plan, take the Salamis.
He came back with the wine and a plate of salami.
In the nature of things, the salami would be mostly pork.
I went to the kitchen for a salami and a couple of beers.
They're both dying to slip the old salami to you.
She has not seen him since half past six, when they met in the kitchen over a salami sandwich.
Barbara took the salami in her hands and stared at it.
The salami maker has a lot of catching up to do.
He even is allowing people to bring in salami sandwiches.
Its a small museum where you can see your "how it's made": Salami!
Put the spring onion and the salami into a bowl.
And - you may not believe this - the salami sings.
One slice of salami takes ten thousand years to cut.
Do you take it that Salami simply wants new territory, or a few more subjects?
I even bring food with me, things that travel well - chocolate and hard salamis.