That's a very sad statistic and makes me all the more glad to be living in Canada where our education system and government isn't being undermined by religious fanatics.
Last April, Luz Ortiz and her daughter were about to become a sad statistic: another New York City family shattered by domestic violence.
Her goal is to ensure that the more than 118,000 children waiting for placement become more than just another sad statistic.
With that sad statistic in mind, we should go into marriage with our eyes open.
It is a sad statistic that less than one-third of purchased airplane kits ever get completed by the original purchaser.
But rather than surrender to defeat and become another sad statistic among fellow African-American land theft victims, he continues to fight for his constitutionally guaranteed property rights.
Since then, they have been struggling to create a new approach to keep the company from becoming another sad industrial statistic.
Robin Bennett is desperate not to let her baby become another sad statistic.
I had recently read a sad statistic that seventy percent of Americans got nearly one hundred percent of their information from television and the movies.
Such a sad statistic.