In periods of slack demand, landlords will extend this period from a few months to years as an incentive.
It stopped work on the reactor in 1988 because of cost overruns and slack demand for power.
Now they face an era of slack demand from their customers in real estate and the automobile industry.
But last month, the company postponed the offering because of slack demand.
The burst of buying defied the market's fundamentals, which include high production and slack demand.
Any sign of slack demand for Windows 95 would ripple painfully through the industry.
Well, the drought has arrived in the form of a bear market and slack demand for technology gear.
The plant was shut two years ago amid labor turmoil and slack demand.
Since February, slack demand has been forcing temporary layoffs by the car maker.
Technology stocks stabilized after Tuesday's slide on growing worries about slack demand in the computer industry.