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For the moment, they had a good running head start.
More people appeared, running head down along the dry bed of the creek.
He found that out the hard way, running head on into it and nearly knocking himself silly.
It was bad country, but the hounds were running heads up by that time.
Players will also need to stay within 5 yards of the ball on kickoff to prevent a running head start.
Let's get a running head start, if we can."
It may also allow the runner to advance more bases on a hit than he might otherwise due to that running head start.
In academic writing, the running head usually contains a page number and the author's last name or an abbreviated version of the title.
Trying to find out who owns Marconicars is like running head on into a brick wall.
Note: I have omitted running heads, have inserted a blank space between the "."
Instead of boring his way through the mountains, the railway engineer has skillfully avoided running head first into the hillside.
It would have helped to have given the chapter numbers in running heads at the book's foredge.
The running head title of the work is 'Rabbi Moses.'
He said of senators pressing for witnesses: "It's like people running head on to an incoming train and, for whatever reason, not getting off the track."
The kicking team will only have a five yard running head start on kickoffs, again mirroring the NFL changes in 2011.
O. novaezealandiae nymphs are pale, translucent green with a dark stripe running head to end of abdomen.
Note: I have omitted the running heads, and I have marked with * possible typos.
At the top of the stretch this afternoon, racing's greatest streak and the sport's greatest prize could be running head and head.
Jounce (Running head slam)
However, this rule of thumb does not apply to more complex text that contain multiple images or illustrations, footnotes, running heads, folios, and captions.
"Somebody put Salmissra up to this, and I want to find out who he is before he gets too much of a running head start on me."
The species is black with three white stripes running head to tail, and its head has white stripes that form a 'Y' shape.
Yet tho' he hath a running head as well as running heels (and who will expect a Footman to be a stay'd man?)
When it came very close, I saw it was a tree rat, running head downward as they do, all its teeth exposed as it chit-tered at me.
Scientific Theology is also the "running title" of the project which gave rise to the trilogy.
Despite numerous college running titles, she left the university "unsatisified" with her performance.
This plot appears to have been the most popular during the period; it provided the subtitle and running title of many editions before 1635.
The rest was paperwork and phone calls, running title searches, scavenging the public record through computer linkups.
The running title of this work is "Our Commercial History and Policy."
Within the pages of the book, the running title is "The Complete Angler."
Note also the running title (top left) and the drop-head title (right).
The play's running title, which appears at the top of the pages of text, is Love's Lodestone.
The running title is 'The Acts of the Church.'
It is written in an uncial text with the running titles written in rustic capitals.
"America in the King Years," Branch's running title for the trilogy, is not a mere conceit, a fancy way of describing a biography.
It was CWUSA's longest running title, lasting from 1992 through 1997.
The running titles are in small uncials while the incipits and explicits are in capitals.
Fred E. Bacon was a late-19th century British runner who won numerous running titles and briefly held the amateur world record for the mile.
The running title of this work is "The Forest Lands and the Timber Trade of Maine."
Hellblazer had been published continuously since January 1988, and was Vertigo's longest running title, the only remaining publication from the imprint's launch.
Dark Horse Presents was Dark Horse's longest running title, and provided a mix of material from established and new creators.
A series of literary anthologies with the running title Alfred Hitchcock Presents: were issued to capitalize on the success of the television series.
"Chapter I. Of the limits and end of knowledge;" with a running title, "Of the Interpretation of Nature."
The initial running title for the game was Synchrony before its change to Rock Band Blitz, though the name remains as one of the game's powerups.
Larsen became the Danish national 5,000 and 10,000m champion in 1937, earning Helsingør IF's first running title.
He eventually moved into the Vertigo imprint where he edited several monthly titles, including Vertigo's longest running title Hellblazer.
She works with a wide variety of publishers, though some of her longest running titles have been the Cool Clive books with Oxford University Press.
The film, then under the running title of Sherlock Holmes 2, was reported to be influenced by Conan Doyle's "The Final Problem".
This was the lead article in this issue and the running title of this work is "Simcoe's Military Journal: The American Loyalists."
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