With its mix of satire, sick humour and a rousing guitar-driven score, it combines all the best elements of musical comedy.
In its original review, the AJC called the musical "a pretty awesome spectacle," praising Mellencamp's "rousing score, a fusion of blues, country and rock that's superbly performed by Booth's 19-member cast.
Lionel Bart provided the rousing score.
It is notable both for Eisenstein's dramatic black-and-white photography, and for its rousing musical score by Prokofiev.
(RCA Victor): A rousing comic score, Flavored by the sensibilities of Patrick Dennis, Sid Caesar and Bob Fosse.
With its rousing musical score and wisecracking soldiers, Halo portrays war as most games do, as mindless fun.
With Michele Lee, Rudy Vallee and Frank Loesser's rousing score, including "I Believe in You" and "Brotherhood of Man."
The sparkling and rousing musical score is recognized as a high point in Erich Wolfgang Korngold's career.
Bob Rogers plays Donald Ashwander's rousing score.
Though Mr. Strouse has written some rousing scores for frail shows ("It's Superman," "All American," "Rags"), that of "Nick and Nora" is not one of them.