Eyes blazing, he leaned down and drew his tongue in a long, rough line over the mark.
They were ranged in a rough line, parallel to the building's front, and just beyond the immediate glow of the fire.
On the 374-yard 10th, Woods's tee shot with a long iron drifted into the right rough near the tree line.
Arrange turkey strips in a rough line down center of salad.
The unearthly Court formed up in a rough line and began to file through it.
A little closer to him there was a rough line in the silvery sand.
Now they formed a rough line, passing beneath the tree on both sides.
The influence of these artists results in "a specific look, the rough line, solid colors," he said.
I draw a rough line for every Member of this House.
Icebones took a place at the back of their rough line.