The sound that Luke caught was the slight scrape of a shoe sole on rough cement.
I rubbed fingertips across the rough cement.
The man hadn't grouted the tiles in properly he'd used some sort of rough old cement and the water was just going through and staying there!
She sat carefully on the edge making sure she didn't snag the silk sheath on the rough cement.
He got a nasty bump, though, where his head hit the rough cement when he fell. . . ." "Now, that's very interestin'.
Even the light went as he focused in tight on the rough cement.
Funny, the surface over here didn't feel like rough cement.
He stumped across the room once we'd all seated ourselves at the table and scraped the chair behind the desk across the rough cement.
Only the date of burial and case number have been scratched into the rough cement.
Vaseline and plastic combine with cement and steel - pink and gray, rough and smooth, hard and soft - the materials sustaining a narrative of formal eloquence.