Originally, Mac and Rachel were not planned to have a romantic coupling.
Campbell and Connelly's working relationship eventually led to a romantic coupling, which Johnston found to be a technique for method acting that helped with their on-screen chemistry.
The photographs portray Ken and G.I. Joe posed in romantic (though not sexually explicit) couplings.
It is set in the style of a Restoration comedy and concerns the romantic couplings of a host of nobles and servants.
Her lyrics sometimes suggest a polymorphous sexuality beyond pop's usual romantic couplings.
Dancers paired off in various romantic couplings in "Circles," to music by John Adams.
Their romantic couplings seem more perfunctory than enthusiastic.
The final scenes of the 1980s section with its shifting romantic coupling was modelled with The Marriage of Figaro in mind.
In this environment, experts say, romantic couplings are all but inevitable.
There are the inevitable romantic couplings, some of them doomed.