Minutes later, the sun peeked over the rolling downs, illuminating the figure of a slender "lad" dressed in the rough 77 hood, tunic, hose and crude boots of a serf, following the track that led south to Winchester.
Somewhere on the rolling downs a nesting curlew warbled, a symphony of loneliness.
He sat for a moment looking out over the rolling downs of spinifex.
The lands was described as open rolling downs with saltbush and cotton bush, thickly grassed with Mitchell grass and other varieties.
The term Steeplechase originated in this area, a steeplechase originally being a race between two villages, navigated by reference to the church steeples visible across the rolling downs.
With whoop and scream the wild November wind sweeps over the great rolling downs, tossing the branches of the Cosford beeches, and rattling at the rude latticed windows.
On the other side the meads had become rolling downs of withered grass amidst a land of fen and tussock.
Carefully-concealed heavy batteries boomed from the fringe of the woods on either side, many of the fields were occupied by infantry who were resting, and further on the sharp crack of field-guns came from the dips between the rolling downs, while German aircraft were again circling directly overhead.
The rolling downs are covered in mitchell grass amongst areas of Gidyea woodlands.