Her fraternity dates took her to rock concerts, which she hated.
They play computer games, go to rock concerts, go to amusement parks - collectively.
"Looking at our current patrons," he said, " we can tell they are not the ones who go to rock concerts."
How the proposed laws would speak to rock concerts is an even bigger question.
Rock concerts, that's what I used to call them.
There is a train schedule on the floor (he loves to go to rock concerts in Manhattan) and a guitar propped against his wall.
During this period, he was traveling frequently to Olympia, Washington to go to rock concerts.
We had recently moved from India and didn't know that it was not normal in America for mothers to take 10-year-olds to rock concerts.
"I've been in demonstrations and to rock concerts - people's feet are moving around; they can't stand still."
Soon they were bicycling all over the city together, to rock concerts and dance programs.