He left when the team disbanded after a battle with a race of robotic beings known as the Descendants.
Eventually, the Stockman battle armor and the T-Pod merge into a destructive robotic being, which Mikey dubs "The StockmanPod."
Unlike their counterpart Overlord, the two willingly were transformed into wholly robotic beings by Devil Z near the series' close.
For if he assumed that all beings, robotic and human, were as dangerous to him as the deputies, he was doomed.
Strangely for a robotic being, he has an aversion to killing, even protecting his own assaulter (Tick Tock) from a bullet.
The Automata, or "Mechanical Men" are auto-functioning robotic beings who were designed both to replace the failed Hybrids and to defend against Hybrid attacks.
In the novel, tiktok is used as an adjective for any mechanical or robotic being.
Soon after his return, however, Metallo attacks the city with an army of robotic beings.
It concerns a world where traditional super-heroes once existed, but have since been killed by oppressive robotic beings who rule what's now a totalitarian society.
Viktor scolds Josh, saying that his baby is gone, before Viktor suddenly turns into a complete robotic being.