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He shares his risen life with people of every age.
But in his risen life he has a new, distinct form of existence.
Even in the risen life, he is still marked with the stigmata of his earthly existence.
The sting of death has been removed by the glorious promise of his risen life.
Christian discipleship is a following of Jesus in the power of his risen life on the way which he went.
A church that can die to itself this way is a church that will live the risen life of Jesus.
Here we are clothed with Christ, dying to sin that we may live his risen life.
Let us go with him in faith and love, so that, united with him in his sufferings, we may share his risen life.
Only then can we claim to be genuine disciples, only then can we rightly share in Jesus' risen life!
Every Sunday Mass is the community's Thanksgiving, its Eucharist in celebration of our Lord's risen life.
Jesus, Saviour and Lord, we thank you for strengthening us in faith by feeding and nourishing us with your risen life.
Let us recognize the gift of God's Holy Spirit which enables us to share more and more deeply Christ's risen life.
In Christian terms, we talk about being born in original sin and striving for the risen life of Christ, who saves us from sin and death.
In his Exercises, he devoted the last weeks to the contemplation of Jesus: from infancy and public ministry, to his passion and lastly his risen life.
The War Memorial Chapel forming the northeast transept has as its themes the aftermath of the First World War, sacrifice and the risen life.
Grant that all who are brought to the waters of baptism may be reborn by the Holy Spirit and live the risen life of Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Whilst we hope people find new and risen life here, we also know that they bring with them seeds of love and hope, contributing to our growth as well as theirs.
Reconciling (reconciling us to God and one another through grace and forgiveness) Resurrection (rising above evil and death, promise of life over death, living the risen life today)
In their fragile humanity she has discerned and embraced the Fragile One himself by whose wretchedness the world was redeemed and through whose risen life fellow-suffers are made alive forever more.
It is wrought out in the life of the believer by his appropriation of the power of Christ's blood and risen life through the Person of the Holy Spirit, as set forth in the Word.
The "Joie et Clarté" illustrates the freedom of the risen life, in music which uses the solo trumpet in a manner which one might consider a contemporary re-interpretation of the Baroque French composers' use of that stop.
Thus in Romans 8:14 we are promised the guidance of the Spirit, but it is along the pathway of sonship wherein we follow Jesus in addressing God as 'Abba', and share his mortification and risen life.