In 2010, this number rose to 138.5 billion cubic metres which shows a 19% increase.
At the northern end of the park, several peaks rise to over 2,000 metres.
The 46-storey building was opened in 2006 and rises to 180 metres (630 feet) from the ground to its architectural top.
It is a fine old building with twin towers, which rise to 46 metres.
The water level can rise to more than 5 metres (17 ft) above the normal tide.
In order to strengthen the structure, the side walls rise to 2.2 metres above the level of the track.
The ceiling rises to 20 metres above the main floor of the chapel.
There are more than 15 mountain peaks rising to over 2,000 metres above sea level.
They quickly rose to three hundred metres, making no attempt to conceal their presence.
The surrounding chalk hills rise to between 230 and 260 metres.