Governor Schwarzenegger had no rhythmic variety whatsoever.
This is a powerful score, one able to imply the ballet's pictorial events with appropriate musical colors and rhythmic variety.
And yet the second part was amazingly vivid, breaking up the ensembles into duets that involved complex partnering and dance imagery of great fluency and rhythmic variety.
Second, there is not much rhythmic variety or diversity of movement of thought through a single poem.
But he is also clearly responsive to the score's rhythmic variety.
Ms. Hodson's scrupulousness, in fact, is responsible for the extraordinary rhythmic variety within the choreography.
Tallis provides a rhythmic variety and differentiation of moods depending on the meaning of his texts.
One longed for a stab of rhythmic variety, a shaft of light from the orchestra pit, a metric shift to relieve the relentless four-squaredness.
The way Cameron Grant, the pianist, showed a concern for Bach's rhythmic variety and changes in tone color helped enrich the events onstage.
Few can explore rhythmic variety as inventively as Mr. Taylor.