The revolution in Saint Domingue unleashed a massive multiracial exodus: the French fled with the slaves they managed to keep; so did numerous free people of color, some of whom were slaveholders themselves.
Russell M Davies says the next revolution will unleash individual creativity.
The revolution in Saint-Domingue unleashed a massive multiracial exodus: French Créole colonists fled with those slaves they still held, as did numerous free people of color, some of whom were also slaveholders and transported slaves with them.
For that is what the war in Iraq is: not a clash of civilizations, but a revolution unleashed through outside force.
Some of the resistance is rooted in fears that the "revolution of expectations," which Mr. Gorbachev said had resulted, may unleash a tidal wave of demands for freedom.
Bacon was right: the revolution unleashed in Western Europe in the 17th century represents the sharpest break with the past in history.
Speaking in the Gothic grandeur of the Guildhall, in the historic heart of London's financial district, the 78-year-old former President told an audience of about 1,000 guests that the international revolution in communications technology had unleashed an irrepressible march toward democracy in the Communist world, bringing nearer the collapse of totalitarianism.
- in which young people are the anxious products of their anger at the Vietnam War and fear of the Bomb, and the older types enjoy the new freedom that the sexual revolution has unleashed.