In practice, inversion of control is a style of software construction where reusable code controls the execution of problem-specific code.
It carries the strong connotation that the reusable code and the problem-specific code are developed independently, which often results in a single integrated application.
To date, our Procase development team has rewritten several systems several times and has yet to achieve any significant reusable code.
In this way, it enables efficient and reusable code in a very simple manner.
In an industry where costs continue to spiral upward, reusable code is the holy grail.
Is the code changeable, maintainable, portable, reusable?
The generation process is managed by a set of 'recipes,' reusable code describing the scope of functions and objects to be generated.
In most modern operating systems (OSs), a large body of reusable code is provided to simplify the programmer's job.
In Anduril, processing steps are implemented using components, which are reusable executable code that can be written in any programming language.
Integration of reusable code in a software factory reduces the requirements for manually written code and encourages reuse across applications.