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Preliminary conclusions must include the need for pluralism in retention policy.
His statement about Andersen's retention policy is a crucial point for prosecutors.
Google's data retention policies have been a topic of significant contention.
As such, without a unified archive it is difficult to ensure one single retention policy.
And even critics of retention policies say ending social promotion is a good goal.
Educators say that school retention policies are wildly uneven across the country.
Getting teacher retention policies right can make a big difference for student achievement, particularly in schools serving disadvantaged students.
Mr. Duncan says that it was you who raised the question about the retention policy.
Biz customers choose their retention policy of 30 days to 7 years to forever.
The day's experience weighed heavily on school officials since the retention policy will be expanded this year to grades 3 to 12.
She does not believe in Florida's mandatory retention policy for third graders who can't pass the state reading test.
"The notion that their main solution to this is the retention policy, I just find profoundly disappointing."
School leaders say they have seen overall success since the strict retention policy was instituted broadly in 1997.
While developers might not like Apple's commission retention policy, the company's "as is" sales seem to balance that concern.
Still, opponents of the plan cited research indicating that other grade retention policies had failed.
We will keep personal information contained in complaint files in line with our retention policy.
The former staff member claimed he was terminated for other reasons related to the state's email retention policy.
But the history of that document retention policy was at the heart of Andersen's demise.
About the same time, there's a conference call and there's a discussion about the retention policy.
The new data retention policies are obviously beneficial in a lot of ways, but they have also raised some valid privacy concerns.
Companies will occasionally implement forced retention policies to try to stem the brain drain.
For compliance support, email records are stored in the archive according to administrator defined retention policies.
"The idea that this information leads to some self-executing duty to suspend the document retention policy," he said, "is wrong."
"Document retention policy is a euphemism for document destruction."
Whatever the standard retention policy, there is a general agreement that no documents should be destroyed if an auditor is aware of an investigation.