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The greatest growth was in retail advertising, up 37 percent.
The agency said its job would be largely to attract retail advertising.
And retail advertising is up 32.2 percent, to $313 million.
Over all, the rate of growth for retail advertising has slowed significantly during the last decade.
The Star is a community newspaper and the dominant source of retail advertising in the region.
One reason was retail advertising in newspapers, he added, "which just can't seem to get off the ground."
But department stores continue to suffer and the bottom for retail advertising does not yet appear to have been reached.
Retail advertising, the financial backbone of the industry, is down, in part because many department stores have fallen on hard times.
Because it covers no specific community, retail advertising rarely appears in the Monitor.
But total retail advertising was down, she said.
Among newspapers in New York's suburbs, retail advertising was off 7.7 percent.
He joined The Times in 1977 as a sales representative for the retail advertising department.
Among the local media, he cited radio and television, fueled by growth in retail advertising from store openings.
Retail advertising has been the most important advertising category for newspapers.
Among the results of that has been a drop in the amount of retail advertising nationwide.
In 1957, Dreyfus became the first mutual fund company to launch a retail advertising campaign.
Many, more vulnerable than most because of their heavy reliance on local retail advertising, have ceased publication.
Charlie Gunderson, who headed up retail advertising, was in the office with him, and the both of them looked worried.
From 1996 through 2006, she worked in the retail advertising department at The Tennessean newspaper.
Classified advertising is almost equal to retail advertising in its importance to the industry.
The advertising is a continuation of the effort to bring humanity to retail advertising.
Many newspapers are suffering from a slump in local retail advertising and higher newsprint prices.
The four partners all worked in the store and developed new methods of retail advertising and selling.
She is the retail advertising director, and he is the sales training and development manager.
Instead, Ms. Holmes said, the company moved its retail advertising to newspapers and local television.