You are flying an unlicensed ship, using an unauthorized repelsystem into restricted territory without proper clearance.
It has a highly restricted territory, being found only in the estuary of Derwent River, Tasmania, and nearby areas.
But it was restricted territory, so I could get only to the gate.
They are battles in peculiarly restricted territory - with limitations and rules that make them safer and simpler than real life and, somehow, more fun.
I understand very well the necessity for declaring the installation being erected there restricted territory, but you have a legitimate reason for visiting the base.
I didn't know the kernel level was restricted territory.
The restricted territory of the diocese meant that it needed only one archdeacon to supervise all 97 parishes.
An additional problem lies in the restricted territory of Ceuta and its soil and climatic features which make the development of farming impossible.
In such a complex region, where peoples are inextricably entangled over restricted territories, how is it possible to choose between these demands of the law?
The Federation tried to get her back, but she had trespassed on restricted territory.