These guys started as a fish company, and then went into the restaurant business.
What makes a woman want to go into the restaurant business?
So does playing in the big time of the restaurant business.
After his playing career was over, Brown went into the restaurant business.
But change is the nature of the restaurant business, and a lot has changed since then.
In the last 10 years change has taken over the restaurant business.
In the restaurant business there is no time of your own.
As it turned out, he added, just about everyone is already in the restaurant business.
Will the restaurant business go back to being what it was?
That was just the way the restaurant business had to run.
The 79-seat eating place serves all three meals seven days a week.
The menu is slightly less expensive at the new eating place.
In one of the eating places, perhaps, or on a boat.
Once, people could take an elevator to its top to an eating place and view deck that looked out over the whole of the city.
He conducted his crew to a little eating place close to the water front.
Again, this is something you can observe for yourself in any public eating place.
They slowly rose and followed him around the ship to the eating place.
It could have been the eating place in any other government building.
It will have the same casual style as the local eating place.
There are numerous small ethnic eating places throughout the city.
The first restoration works have been carried out in June 2010.
In 1820 restoration works had been still going on since the incident.
Although restoration works has started, due to the lack of finances they are proceeding very slowly.
The restoration works have continued sporadically into the beginning of the 21st century under local leadership.
The last restoration works were performed in the years 1982-1989.
In 1828-1830 extensive restoration works of the palace and grounds took place.
Further restoration works were carried out in 1948-1950, 1977 and 1985.
As of December 2006, large restoration works are nearly to be finished at the palace.
Between autumn 2006 and February 2007 restoration works were carried out.
Important restoration works were conducted in the 1960s and 1970s.