However, the long-term average percentage is almost exactly 46 percent due to an occasional Super Draw paid for from a Super Draw reserve fund, set aside each draw.
The card costs €10, which includes a €3 non-refundable charge for the card, €3 of credit and €4 for a fully refundable 'reserve fund' which allows travel even if there is insufficient credit on the card for the journey.
Two other areas in which condos are borrowing from co-op handbooks involve building reserve funds and rental policies.
Pennsylvania public school district reserve funds are divided into two categories - designated and undesignated.
A change could be made in the way reserve funds are invested, at least temporarily.
Analysts prescribed a menu of policies that would improve the city's ability to respond to a downturn on Wall Street, including bigger reserve funds, smaller spending increases and the use of more of the surplus to reduce long-term debt.
About $700 million in tax stabilization reserve funds, or rainy day funds, could be tapped, they said, although that would leave the funds virtually depleted.