She could research things by herself, then show them off at dinner.
Players are seen a lot more, researched by analysts and so have to keep working on their game to improve.
There's a no-hassle price attached to each; you can research the cars by model and either buy or lease.
One may answer the first question by researching the world by use of social science, and examining the preferences that people assert.
Making love at night and researching by day?
Cage researched by binge drinking in Dublin for two weeks and had a friend videotape him so he could study his speech.
McGuigan researched the nature of the series by meeting with neurosurgeons and watching a brain operation being performed.
Because of the station's archive nature the station was scheduled, produced and researched by 17 people, excluding presenters.
This knowledge is now resurfacing: researched and regenerated by people who want to take an active and independent role in their own health care.
All the top sights plus where to eat, sleep, shop and go out, researched and road-tested by our team of authors.