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From name-&-form as a requisite condition come the six sense media.
Once these support and requisite conditions have been established, a practitioner can then practice right concentration more easily.
And this is the way to understand how from consciousness as a requisite condition comes name-and-form.
From contact as a requisite condition comes feeling.
Provided the requisite conditions for such development are met, these cells are capable of developing into human beings.
From ignorance as a requisite condition come fabrications.
"Consciousness comes from name-and-form as its requisite condition."
In all dioceses every tenth rector should be irremovable if the requisite conditions are obtainable.
Indeed it insists that divine law is applicable only in situations with requisite conditions, where it is likely to have certain social effects.
From birth as a requisite condition, then old age & death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair come into play.
Some analysts say it is Beijing's leadership that lacks the requisite conditions, or perhaps the confidence, to allow its people a greater say in their own affairs.
"Thus this is a cause, this is a reason, this is an origination, this is a requisite condition for name-and-form, i.e., consciousness."
In respect of gauge, the Commission concluded that "the requisite conditions of comfort, speed, construction and cost have been found to combine most perfectly in the 4 feet 8 inches gauge".
In cases where a shopkeeper fails to satisfy the aforementioned requisite conditions, he or she loses the privilege and may be held liable under local criminal statutes and civil torts.
However - and this point is directed at the Council - any operation will only be successful if the Member States put the requisite conditions in place and make the requisite instruments available.
In the same way, from name-&-form as a requisite condition comes consciousness, from consciousness as a requisite condition comes name-&-form....
A draft communiqué, which has not been made public, is more vague and says nothing about opening negotiations with Turkey "as soon as possible" after it fulfills the requisite conditions, said a senior European official.
If anyone, before incorporation as a Numerary or Associate is seen to lack suitability for that, he may be retained as a Supernumerary, as long as he has the requisite conditions.
The court defended their ruling, noting that such benign behaviors lack the requisite conditions of "intent to defraud" and "furthering fraud by obtaining something of value" as required for prosecution under CFAA Section (a)(4).
In Chapter 5 he isolates further the specific technical problem addressed, in a moduli problem of quite classical type - classify the big 'set' of all algebraic varieties subject only to being non-singular (and a requisite condition on polarization).
The famous scientist J.B.S. Haldane remarked upon him : " Given good conditions anybody could turn out acceptable work; but the mark of a true scientist is that he can create the requisite conditions and make great discoveries.
It has not touched upon either the requisite conditions for inclusion on the electoral roll, the establishment of a system to control and review electoral lists, the conditions for eligibility or ineligibility, or the incompatibilities other than those mentioned in Article 8.
According to the discourses in the Pali and Chinese canons, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, and right mindfulness are used as the support and requisite conditions for the practice of right concentration.
In one of the many letters she wrote to her lover, Morton Fullerton, she described herself as "lonely-hearted" - perhaps the requisite condition for one who was so complicit with her characters, all of whose fortunes she delineated with outstanding clarity and commitment.
Mannert, however, speaks of ruins at a place called Castro, about 4 km northeast from Paternò, on a hill projecting from the foot of the mountain, which he regards as the site of Aetna, and which would certainly agree well with the requisite conditions.