Now, at this moment, I possessed nowhere near the required reserves, or the courage.
Another way banks can borrow funds to keep up their required reserves is by taking a loan from the Federal Reserve itself at the discount window.
China has tried to rein back growth by raising banks' required reserves seven times in the last year and has raised interest rates twice.
"The required reserves are very onerous."
The Fed can strongly influence the funds rate by increasing or decreasing the amount of money that banks have available to lend above their required reserves.
In addition to not having the required reserves on hand, the agency said, Datek filed a false report of its capital position with the commission.
Insurance companies have always had latitude to estimate required reserves, and top management seems to have used it with a bit more abandon than was proper.
Adjustments of required reserves should facilitate the balance between building with socially created money or savings.
Part of the bank's required reserves were held in silver dollars, which provided the opportunity to profit from a rise in silver prices.
Loss reserving or Outstanding claims reserves refers to the calculation of the required reserves for a tranche of general insurance business.