Studies show the diet of spider monkeys changes their reproductive, social, and physical behavioral patterns.
Cryptic female choice falls under the conflict in reproductive patterns.
The ceremony is based on her association with forest creatures, among whom the bear and its reproductive patterns suggest the cyclical fertility of women.
Consequently, useful information on the relationship of reproductive patterns to child morbidity in both developed and developing countries is available mainly from special studies.
As the days shorten, there is a change in the reproductive pattern.
The reproductive pattern of A. phaeotis is characterized as seasonal.
The good news was that 'cat populations grew far more slowly than their multiple-birth reproductive patterns might suggest.
Annual reproductive patterns of lizards from a Bornean rain forest.
Overall, there is not much known about the reproductive patterns of the other species due to the little knowledge collected on the genus as a whole.
While reproductive patterns may vary, the physical components and control mechanisms remain the same.