Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
"We do not claim to know everything that is reportable."
That night, the chicken was good, and there were no reportable problems.
If the car was being driven on a road, then it is not reportable.
Interest is reportable for tax purposes the year you earn it.
In general, for most reportable diseases, we generally assume between 20 and 30 percent of cases are reported.
This included such things as reportable accident' and 'serious injury'.
There were 31 reportable events in the Swiss nuclear power plants during 2011.
Changes are considered reportable when they affect the performance or life span of a product.
The upper bound is all workers with a reportable disability.
By 1993, most states considered cancer a reportable disease.
But any movement of the star of the show was a reportable event.
You must keep a record of any reportable injury, disease or dangerous occurrence.
Any reportable facts or is just a join the dots exercise?
To be reportable, the injury must have resulted from an 'accident'.
The Swiss nuclear plants registered 24 reportable events during 2009.
To reduce reportable income, the Klugs decided to take less pay.
"It's just that the things you do in those areas aren't quite as visible or reportable.
This must result in a death or reportable injury.
This type of tackle can cause serious injury and is almost always a reportable offence.
We usually run over when we get a decent amount of reportable information.
Their status as prisoners would have no effect on whether these accidents etc are reportable.
"Just clarify the terms so that everyone knows what is and is not reportable," he said.
Therefore, no individual receives anything that is reportable as 'income.'"
Technically this isn't an accident, so its not reportable.
So if students on work experience are injured and taken to hospital, then that event on its own is not reportable.