What good was the revolution if an emperor replaced the king?
After a king died, the interrex selected a candidate to replace the king.
Many colleges and high schools began to abandon the tradition in the 1990's, replacing the king and queen with homecoming "royals" and "top 10 students."
If the challenger wins, they replace the "king" on the other side of the court.
The year the judges replaced the king (c. 91 BC)
There were riots in the streets involving the king's supporters, who were victorious over attempts to replace the king.
The prime minister replaced the king as the head of government and chair of the government council, gaining the power to dissolve parliament.
The practice eventually evolved that, when a king died, it was a member of the senate (the Interrex) who nominated a candidate to replace the king.
When a king died, a member of the Senate (the "interrex"') would nominate a candidate to replace the king.
A position, the Rex Sacrorum, was even created to replace the king for purposes of religious ceremonies.