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Deep rendzina soils have developed in some of the hollows.
The area is dominated by bare rock and rendzina soils.
The term 'rendzina' appears in various soil classification systems, both current and obsolete.
Weathering of the chalk has created a characteristic soil known as rendzina.
As in other areas where chalk is prevalent, the soil above it is rendzina.
Rendzina soils are thin soils with limited available water capacity.
Oolitic limestone has formed the thin Rendzina soil of the west facing slope.
There is also a 'transitional', or brown rendzina, soil which grows vines quite successfully.
The thin rendzina soils become richer colluvial deposits in the valley floor.
To the west of the ridge lies black rendzina soil which is poorly drained, and so is much less favourable for vines.
The thin, well-drained Rendzina soils supports a diverse range of calcareous grassland flora.
The soil at the bottom is deeper and richer than that at the top which is thin Rendzina soil.
Terra Rossa soils are deep red soils associated with higher rainfall than Rendzina.
Rendzina is a dark, grayish-brown, humus-rich, intrazonal soil.
A rendzina resting on Premeaux limestone and oolite, with brown calcareous soil in the upper part.
The vineyards are planted on soils including fertile red-brown earths, terra rossa, rendzina, soft sands and dark cracking clays.
The most important soil types in the Deidesheim area are various rigosols, rendzina, parabraunerde and limestone-bearing terra fusca.
Unlike many soils in which there are easily distinguished layers or soil horizons, a chalk rendzina soil consists of only a shallow dark humus rich surface layer which grades through a lighter brown hillwash containing small pellets of chalk, to the white of the chalk itself.