"By the Sword" succeeds in rendering that most iconic of weapons as both mythic and accessible.
Several kilometres of the caves have been rendered accessible to paying visitors and are well lit.
The confidence he now exhibits renders accessible to artistic use a rich though often painful personal history.
As indicated on its website, the foundation sets itself the goal of collecting, organising, preserving and rendering accessible the entire output of, and material about Edward Schillebeeckx.
"Para-Site" indicates the extent to which the avant-garde tendencies of the 1970's have been rendered palpable and superficially accessible to a broad art-viewing public - and it's not entirely a pretty sight.
The Association acquaints itself with Hungarian Studies related activities and renders accessible this information.
The caves are a popular tourist destination, with several kilometres of the caves rendered accessible to paying visitors and well lit.
By rights her mind should have been emptied, rendered fully accessible to the mecha's reconfiguration demands; but with things at a temporary impasse, she gave inner voice to some of these thoughts.
In theory I can define a quantum of angle and each such quantum should render accessible another sheaf of universes.
He had done research work on a great part of this book extracting ahaadeeth from the sources, explaining Imaam Tahaawi's Nazar ("Analytical Scrutiny") and rendering accessible its difficult portions.