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In this case, its total relativistic mass and energy increase.
That is sometimes called the "relativistic mass" of the object.
It is possible to avoid relativistic mass from the outset by talking of energy instead.
Some claim that (in later years) he did not like the idea of "relativistic mass".
Relativistic mass is the total quantity of energy in a body or system divided by c.
Its relativistic mass would be twelve thousand two hundred tons.
Note, however, that this uncertainty concerned only the relativistic mass of the electron.
Since turnover, the ship had shed most of its enormous relativistic mass.
On the other hand, the "relativistic mass" of photons is frequency dependent.
The concept of 'relativistic mass' is subject to misunderstanding.
The term relativistic mass is also sometimes used.
When the velocity is small, the relativistic mass and the rest mass are almost exactly the same.
In that case photons have mass but we call it relativistic mass.
The concept of relativistic mass is not wrong.
He shunned, and explicitly rejected, what later came to be known as 'relativistic mass'.
Relativistic mass fits naturally into this mechanical framework but it is not essential.
In special relativity, relativistic mass has support and detraction by physicists.
More recently, however, it has been increasingly recognized that relativistic mass is a troublesome and dubious concept.
In other words, the relativistic mass is the proportionality constant between the velocity and the momentum.
Okun and followers reject the concept of relativistic mass.
Finally, Tolman (1912) interpreted relativistic mass simply as the mass of the body.
If one assumes that the space-time is nearly Minkowskian, the special relativistic mass exists.
However, it is possible to assign a "relativistic mass" to a photon which depends upon its wavelength.
However, relativistic mass is discouraged by some authors since it can be a misleading quantity to apply in certain equations.
Its relativistic mass converts to rest mass within the receiver cage of a drop ship.