Case reports of overdose with as much as 30 to 50 times the standard dose described the drug as relatively nontoxic, compared to TCAs.
These are relatively nontoxic, and in particular EDTA is approved as a food additive.
Magnesium, being readily available and relatively nontoxic, has a variety of uses:
Insecticidal soap, for example, is relatively nontoxic and is effective in smothering insects.
Even carbon dioxide, which is itself a rather benign and relatively nontoxic substance, is a deadly danger.
Benzoic acid is relatively nontoxic.
Most inorganic phosphates are relatively nontoxic and essential nutrients.
Oligomeric derivatives (3-6 kDa) are relatively nontoxic and have good gene delivery properties.
Abdominal pain Skin irritation Skin cleansers are relatively nontoxic.
Some phase change materials are suspended in water, and are relatively nontoxic.