He noted that an Acrobat viewer is included to read and print the manuals, which allowed SSI to "save on the cost of including six relatively hefty booklets.
The promise of a relatively hefty pile of savings appealed to Mr. Bouffard, who will be a senior when he returns to school late this month.
The reason for this relatively hefty sum is that the Constitution of Canada requires senators to own $4000 worth of property.
Google does reportedly charge advertisers a relatively hefty $20 per thousand views ("cost per thousand" or CPM) for ad placement regardless of clicks.
The culprit here may be the test vehicle's relatively hefty weight of 3,752 pounds.
In other fields, like dermatology and radiology, doctors can enjoy both more control over their time and a relatively hefty paycheck.
At such a relatively hefty price, the book obviously isn't for everyone.
At the time, Chrome demanded relatively hefty machines to run on, a 350 MHz Pentium II or better with an AGP graphics card.
The result is a relatively hefty yield of just under 4 percent.
The Eagles then proceeded to beat the Italia Shooters in the semi-final by a relatively hefty score of 3-0.