In a referendum held in Gibraltar in September 2002, Gibraltarian voters rejected even partial Spanish sovereignty.
Gibraltar, United Kingdom 10 September (Gibraltar National Day, people of Gibraltar vote to reject Spanish sovereignty or association 1967)
The referendum rejected shared sovereignty by 17,900 votes to 187 and there has been no further discussion on the subject of shared sovereignty.
Also, they rejected sovereignty twice in referendums.
For the Old City and its religious sites, Israel rejects Palestinian sovereignty but is prepared to consider more flexible formulas.
Rejecting claimed Soviet sovereignty over the Baltic states, allied officials also refused to repatriate Lithuanian, Estonian, and Latvian refugees against their will.
The element of rejecting British sovereignty in Ireland which was left unstated on that occasion was Saor Uladh's and Kelly's own personal involvement in acts of violence in Northern Ireland.
Canadian Markets Rally Investors cheered the vote rejecting sovereignty for Quebec, even though the margin was paper-thin.
Lini's government rejected French sovereignty over the islands, and, in 1993, Lini travelled illegally to Hunter Island, where he plant the ni-Vanuatu flag.
In 1988, Jordan, while rejecting Israeli sovereignty over East Jerusalem, renounced its territorial claims to the West Bank and East Jerusalem.