After his veto last month, Mr. Bush offered to sign the measure if it was returned to him with the regulatory provisions deleted.
The use of the specifications facilitates the demonstration of conformity to the essential requirements and regulatory provisions.
House members overrode the veto in a 294-to-123 vote, brushing aside the President's offer to approve similar legislation without the regulatory provision.
Burdensome regulatory provisions, including a $4,000 fee on new applications for drilling permits, would be repealed.
The mandate was to find a solution which used modern technology and then get the solution customized to Indian regulatory provisions.
It includes an array of tax, regulatory and spending provisions intended to conserve and produce energy.
Also, it's an unreasonable thing to call to break up Microsoft and create these regulatory provisions about how software should be defined.
The plan and its regulatory provisions are administered by the Department of Infrastructure and Planning.
The Member States will adopt the legal, regulatory and administrative provisions necessary to ensure compliance with the directive by 9 May 2006.
The alternative to this system would be highly detailed regulatory provisions: these are appropriate for certain jobs and occupations but not for others.