The EPA now regulates pollutants by categories of industries because they release more than one chemical at a time.
The Clean Air Act built on earlier efforts to regulate pollutants, particularly in London, where air quality had long been poor.
It establishes the structure of regulating pollutants that are discharged into water and for regulating quality standards of waters in the United States.
The remaining 18 have, in the eyes of the EPA, failed to regulate enough pollutants or failed to set sufficiently strict limits.
In Washington, corporate lobbying has weakened or killed legislation aimed at regulating tobacco, pharmaceuticals and pollutants that contribute to global warming.
In the May issue of Scientific American, Dr. Nero assessed the risks and the need to regulate indoor pollutants.
This include regulating pollutants, discharges into the sea and monitoring of the health of the sea areas.
During this period, legislation was passed to regulate pollutants that go into the air, water tables, and solid waste disposal.
The compound had not been investigated further because it was not on the list of state and Federally regulated pollutants.
Judge Brieant found that the alum sludge and the chlorine were regulated pollutants under Federal and state laws.