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Urban regime theories seek to explain relationships among elected officials and those individuals who influence their decisions.
Some academics have claimed that the food regime theory is very limited in its ability to describe all food security issues.
Food regime theory is a broadly Marxist approach to theorising food systems.
Liberal institutionalism is also very close to - but not synonymous with - regime theory and neoliberalism.
He is best known for publications on Regime theory and International Political Economy.
With the decline of the hegemon, institutions don't automatically die; instead, they take on a life of their own (see regime theory).
Multilateral export controls and international regime theory: the effectiveness of COCOM.
Regime theory in international political economy (IPE)
Liberal interest-based approaches to regime theory state that cooperation in anarchy is possible without a hegemon because there exists a "convergence of expectations."
In brief, within regime theory, liberals and realists disagree on two things: the nature of international cooperation and the role of international institutions.
Regime theory is derived from the liberal tradition that argues that international institutions or regimes affect the behavior of states (or other international actors).
State cartel theory imported its terminology from the classical cartel theory of economic enterprises and thus is much more concrete than regime theory.
Regime theory may appear to counter hegemonic stability theory sometimes, but realists also apply it within regime theory in order to explain change.
Regime theory holds that the international system is not-in practice-anarchic, but that it has an implicit or explicit structure which determines how states will act within the system.
In political geography, his work formulated the concept of 'ethnocratic' regimes, which has generated debates in ethnic and racial studies, regime theories and research in Israel/Palestine.
Functionalist and neofunctionalist approaches, regime theory, and state cartel theory have in common their focus on the structures of the international system, but they substantially differ in the way they proceed.
Not all approaches to regime theory, however are liberal or neoliberal; some realist scholars like Joseph Greico have developed hybrid theories which take a realist based approach to this fundamentally liberal theory.
While there is a broad school of thought and considerable academic literature on 'regimes'(see Regime theory), less is known about Maritime Security Regimes as an academic field, or set of theories in its own right.
Another approach has been to apply regime theory as developed by political scientists to areas regulated by international law.150-In all cases, a particular claim would have to be carefully examined to determine the legitimacy of an erga omnes claim, which cannot be presumed.
Within IPE there are three main approaches to regime theory: the dominant, liberal-derived interest-based approach; the realist critique of interest-based approaches, and finally knowledge-based approaches that come from the cognitivist school of thought (Hasenclever, 1997).
Although realism is arguably the dominant school of thought in the field of international relations generally, within regime theory specifically, because regime theory is by definition a theory that explains international cooperation (i.e. it's a traditionally liberal concept) liberal approaches prevail within the literature.