Like ithm, these words are found frequently in legislative portions of the Quran, particularly relating to regulations regarding marriage and divorce.
Then in his 80s, Hailey believed that those who were not Christians were not subject to Biblical commands regarding divorce.
Those seeking information regarding divorce should first consult with an attorney in their home state.
His break from the WCG in 1974 was largely due to doctrinal changes regarding Pentecost and divorce and remarriage.
Due to strict regulations regarding divorce in Imperial Russia, the two remained legally married until Tchaikovsky's death.
Ms. Kegel also criticized the bill "as an attempt to use the government to enforce one religious doctrine regarding divorce."
Multiple surveys have been given to the American people requesting their opinions regarding no-fault divorce.
McVinney took a strict interpretation of canon law regarding divorce.
It is also proposed that various rules regarding marriage, divorce and bereavement would be phased out.