"Nothing like a character reference from a friend," he muttered.
And he has written character references to a judge on their behalf.
I was interviewed as a character reference during her home study.
Wolf hung up, got his address book, and started to make a list of people who would be good for character references.
Before moving on to the next step, write yourself a character reference for a job.
In some systems, the named character reference may also be available.
Perhaps she should write to the "men in her life" and ask for character references.
Maybe this was just sports management in 1999, where scoring comes first and character references don't count at all.
If you want more character references, just check with Manpower.
And in 73 percent of the cases, the state had failed to check any character references for the relatives.
Who should I get to write my letters of recommendation?
"Who's going to turn you down if you've got a letter of recommendation from her?"
Three letters of recommendation from individuals who know you well.
You may include letters of recommendation or have them sent to the address below.
However, it does require a letter of recommendation from the student's teacher.
A letter of recommendation from someone who knows you well is sufficient.
Who should I ask to write a letter of recommendation on my behalf?
He then got him several small scholarships based on these letters of recommendation.
"I'm the one writing the letter of recommendation, and there's no recognition in the system for the role we play."
Please note: letters of recommendation are welcome, but not required.