In the late 1970s and early 1980s, she was a magazine editor.
After his death in 1928, he became the editor of the magazine.
She later became editor of the magazine from 1893 to 1917.
That night we went to a party given by a magazine editor.
What attitude should a magazine editor take to the matter?
She stayed on as editor of the magazine for the next few years.
Brown called him "the only real natural male magazine editor of his generation."
As a former magazine editor, I knew how to pick the great stories out of thousands that came through the door.
In the past he also worked as a magazine editor and foreign correspondent.
He later held several other roles at Time, including a period as national editor of the magazine.
First, there was a telephone conversation with a journal editor.
He said the idea for the article came not from him but from a Journal editor.
"What's at risk here is the reputation of the journal editors involved," she said.
The medical journal editors understand that just registering studies isn't enough.
But some social scientists familiar with the case believe the key issue is the power and bias of journal editors.
He spent his career in professional associations, as secretary-general and journal editor.
But journal editors often have another issue with her.
He was also a music critic and journal editor.
Several scientific journal editors have said references to race should be avoided.
After a series of problems, about 20 years ago, journal editors came under pressure to better document claims for the system's merits.