The imports were said to be stifling local recycling industries.
Currently, there is movement in the environmental recycling industry, centered on the generation of electricity from waste products.
But the new recycling industry still depends on unpromising market forces, and as yet primitive separation methods.
The rendering industry is one of the oldest recycling industries, and made possible the development of a large food industry.
His research took him to Canada, where he made a number of contacts, visited recycling plants and observed the thriving recycling industry there.
The coalition said that reliance on cheap prison labor was a major obstacle to the creation of a profitable recycling industry for discarded electronics.
EcoPark aims to promote the local recycling industry and jump-start a circular economy to provide a sustainable solution to the city's waste problems.
Peter Karter (1922-2010) was an American nuclear engineer and one of the pioneers of the modern recycling industry.
Dell officials also disputed the contention that the prison labor recycling effort undercut the formation of an American recycling industry.
Besides shouldering the cost of building and running the incinerator, Bergen County residents might have "paid" for it by killing the emerging recycling industry.