Some search engines can search recorded speech such as podcasts, though this can be difficult if there is background noise.
Time-compressed speech is a technique used, often in advertising, to make recorded speech contain more words in a given time, yet still be understandable.
A recorded speech by Mayor Koch on the dangers of drugs accompanied "Supply Side."
Lawson, in his only recorded speech, 'made his defence, saying he never saw any plate or moneys', to which the House accepted.
In his last recorded speech, he said:
After a special dinner that Aybee did not eat, they were subjected to a four-hour session of live and recorded speeches, slogans, and arm waving.
He attended the House of Lords infrequently, with his last recorded speech in July 1873.
He became immensely popular and his recorded speeches were widely circulated among students.
His last recorded speech was in February 1985.
Several of his recorded speeches survive.