Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Next, inspect the property tax record card for the house.
Keep a record card for everyone in your family.
We've gotta do a new record card you know for the.
The information is stored on the original cardboard record cards; it has not been computerized.
The original fishing license, permit, and/or harvest record card must be with you in the field.
All of that information is detailed by the Hopkins Record cards.
Air Force record cards and historical records contain the following information:
The shoe-shine man began idly to pull out record cards.
Every error, indiscretion or dark desire would show up on your "permanent record card."
When a retailer has placed an order with a manufacturer, he enters it on to a stock record card.
Well run tournaments use individual record cards which are scrutinised at the beginning of each bout.
Record cards should be provided by management and salespeople encouraged to use them as part of the sales plan before each visit.
Draw up two stock record cards like the one on page 108 and fill in the following information:
She can tell how stable a family is by the number of times its telephone number has been crossed out on the record card.
The court makes up a record card from the spare copy summons lodged.
Records should be submitted on record cards, if possible, and these are available from the County Recorder.
A digital tape or recording card can last 90 minutes, reducing the pressure on the director to "cut" to save film.
Other Library material and files may be borrowed subject to completion of the record card inside the book or file.
The court should not enter these on the court record card before such request is lodged.
Priorities for revision between the interest categories may be determined by a comparison of the stock record cards.
Comments in personal record cards dwell on disciplinary matters.
Client record cards are not necessarily helpful to a dealer who inherits them, however.
With it was a short list of instructions, telling him where to remove the appropriate recording cards and plug in the new ones.
I am told that the recording card will destroy itself as it plays, so there can be no repeats."
This municipal archive holds the record cards for all residents of the city stretching back endlessly into the past.