The government has encouraged Taliban members to go through a formal reconciliation program.
This was the eighth round of prisoner releases from Guantánamo under a reconciliation program begun 20 months ago by the Afghan government.
They show no interest in the Afghan government's call for a national reconciliation program, a coalition government and elections.
Sponsorship of reconciliation programs in disputes which divide groups along lines of religious identity.
Sponsorship of reconciliation programs in disputes that divide groups along lines of religious beliefs.
The detainees were given some clothing and money by the Afghan authorities and freed as part of the country's reconciliation program.
Finally, the Croatian government was urged to initiate a national reconciliation programme.
A national reconciliation program in Nicaragua would include amnesty for the contras and guarantees for their right to take part in politics.
Mr. Maliki, in his third week in office, gave few details of the reconciliation program.
Let us keep in mind the good example of South Africa's truth and reconciliation program and stop using "amnesty" as a bad word.